😭💧😭 Loudly Crying Face on iPhone Emoji Copy and Paste 💧😭💦


Quick Information

On iPhone, this emoji shows a yellow face with closed eyes streaming with tears, accompanied by an open mouth crying loudly. The iOS version features particularly dramatic tears and expressive features, making it one of the most popular crying emojis. It was approved as part of Unicode 6.0 in 2010.

Usage and Context

This emoji is perfect for expressing:

  • Expressing intense emotions or overwhelming feelings
  • Showing uncontrollable crying on iOS
  • Reacting to extremely sad or touching moments
  • Indicating laughter so hard you're crying
  • Expressing dramatic sadness (often exaggerated)
  • Showing extreme happiness or joy
  • Responding to heartbreaking content
  • Used in emotional storytelling on social media

How to Use

  1. Click the "Copy Emoji" button above
  2. The emoji will be copied to your clipboard automatically
  3. Paste it wherever you want to use it (usually Ctrl+V or right-click and select Paste)