🤑💰🤑 Money-Mouth Face Emoji Copy and Paste 💰🤑💰


Quick Information

The Money-Mouth Face emoji (🤑) was approved as part of Unicode 8.0 in 2015 and added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015. It shows a yellow face with dollar signs for eyes and a banknote sticking out of its mouth.

Usage and Context

This emoji is perfect for expressing:

  • Financial success or wealth
  • Making money or receiving payment
  • Expensive items or luxury
  • Business success or profitable deals
  • Love of money or materialism

How to Use

  1. Click the "Copy Emoji" button above
  2. The emoji will be copied to your clipboard automatically
  3. Paste it wherever you want to use it (usually Ctrl+V or right-click and select Paste)